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बीए सेमेस्टर-5 पेपर-1 अंग्रेजी - सरल प्रश्नोत्तर
Question- Critically Analysis of the book VII of Republic.
Attempt the Analysis of the Book VII of Republic.
It is important to realize, when reading the allegory of the cave and of the line, that Plato means to depict not only four ways of thinking, but four ways of life. To use an example, imagine that a person in each of these stages were asked to say what courage is. The understanding of courage would differ widely from stage to stage.
Working with a possible interpretation of the imagination stage, an individual's notion of courage in this stage would appeal to images from culture. Such an individual might try to explain courage by saying something like, "Luke Skywalker seems really courageous, so that's courage." An individual possessed of beliefs would also appeal to a particular example, but the example picked would be drawn from real life. There might be mention of the Marines or New York City firemen.
Someone at the stage of thought, in contrast, will try to give a definition of courage. Perhaps they will give the definition offered by Socrates in Book IV: courage as the knowledge of what is to be feared and what is not to be feared. What separates the person speaking from thought from the person possessed of understanding is that the person speaking from thought cannot inform his views with knowledge of the Form of the Good. They are working with unproven hypotheses rather than the true first principle. Even if their definition is correct, it is left open to attack and objection because their grasp of the relevant concepts stops at a certain point. Speaking from understanding, someone giving a definition comprehends all the terms in the definition and can defend each one of them based on the first principle, the Form of the Good.
Because the Form of the Good illuminates all understanding once it is grasped, knowledge is holistic. You need to understand everything to understand anything, and once you understanding anything you can proceed to an understanding of everything. All the forms are connected, and are comprehended together in the following way: you work your way up to the Form of the Good through thought until you grasp the Form of Good. Then, everything is illuminated.
Since the stages in the cave are stages of life, it seems fair to say that Plato thought that we must all proceed through the lower stages in order to reach the higher stages. Everyone begins at the cognitive level of imagination. We each begin our lives deep within the cave, with our head and legs bound, and education is the struggle to move as far out of the cave as possible. Not everyone can make it all the way out, which is why some people are producers, some warriors, and some philosopher-kings.
Given that the philosopher-kings have made it out of the cave, it might seem unfair that they are then forced back in. This, is the worry that Socrates's friends raise at the end of this section. Socrates has three lines of response to this concern. First, he reminds us again that our goal is not to make any one group especially happy, but rather to make the city as a whole. as happy as possible. Second, he points out that the philosopher-kings are only able to enjoy the freedom above ground that they do because they were enabled by the education the city afforded them. They were molded to be philosopher-kings so that they could return to the cave and rule. They owe the city this form of gratitude and service. Finally, he adds that the philosophers will actually want to rule-in a backhanded way-because they will know that the city would be less just if they refrained from rule. Since they love the Forms, they will want to imitate the Forms by producing order and harmony in the city. They would be loathe to do anything that would subject the city to disorder and disharmony. Socrates ends by remarking that the reluctance of the philosopher to rule is one of his best qualifications for ruling. The only good ruler rules out of a sense of duty and obligation, rather than out of a desire for power and personal gain. The philosopher is the only type of person who could ever be in this position, because only he has subordinated lower drives toward honor and wealth to reason and the desire for truth.
- Question- What is an Epic? Describe its main characteristics.
- Question- Write a short note on kinds of epic.
- Question- Write a short note on Mock-Epic.
- Question- Point out the chief characteristics of epic.
- Question- Explain Birth of tragedy written by Nietzsche. Summarize. The Birth of Tragedy by Nictzche.
- Question- Explain the comedy in Classical literature.
- Question- Explain the early history of the Athens City State.
- Question- Discuss the literary trends of the Augustan Age or Augustan Rome.
- Question- Write a short note on epic.
- Question- What is mock-epic?
- Question- What is an Epic?
- Question- According to Nietzsche, what does the tragedy of Oedipus teach us about knowledge?
- Question- What separates the Dionysian Greek from the Dionysian barbarian?.
- Question- What is comedy?
- Question- Why was the reign of Augustus known as the Golden Age of Roman literature?
- Question- Why was Roman literature important?
- Question- Discuss the themes of the Republic (book VII) Written by Plato.
- Question- "Why does Plato compare ordinary human existence to that of chained prisoners in a cave?"
- Question- Critically Analysis of the book VII of Republic.
- Question- What is an Allegory?
- Question- What is the Allegory of the Cave?
- Question- What Does The Allegory of the Cave Mean? What is the influence of allegory of the cave?
- Question- What is the main theme of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" in the Republic?
- Question- In what sense is the Liberator a philosopher like Socrates?
- Question- Attempt an essay on the role and function of the divine machinery employed in Homer epic, The Iliad.
- Question- Examine the significance of the wrath of Achilles in Homer's The Iliad.
- Question- Comment on The Iliad as an epic.
- Question- Discuss Homer s portrayal of Agamemnon in Book I of The Iliad.
- Question- How do the first few lines of The Iliad preview the conflict, setting, and characters of the poem?
- Question- In what ways, are Achilless and Agamemnons characterizations of each other in Book 1 of The Iliadjustified?
- Question- To extent can the dictum character is destiny be applied to oedipus rex.
- Question- Discuss the role of Fate in Sophocles's Oedipus Rex.
- Question- Attempt a critical appreciation of sophocles Oedipus rex.
- Question- Attempt a critical appreciation of the plot structure of Sophocles Oedipus Rex.
- Question- What disaster does befall the city of Athens? What safety is expected by the priest?
- Question- What does Oedipus declare about the murderer of Laius?
- Question- Why does Oedipus want to meet the survivor?
- Question- What account of his past life Oedipus did give to Jocasta?
- Question- What is the reaction of Jocasta on hearing the truth?
- Question- What is the result of discovering the parentage of Oedipus?
- Question- Critically examine Geoffrey Chaucer both as a Medieval and a modern poet.
- Question- Discuss the literary features and general chacharactersitics of Chaucer age.
- Question- Comment on the use of wit, irony and satire in Chaucer's the Prologue.
- Question- What is Rhyme Royal? Comment on its use by Chaucer.
- Question- Who were the main writers that influenced the Age of Chaucer?
- Question- What are literary and intellectual tendencies during the age of Chaucer?
- Question- What do you understand by the term 'Renaissance'? Discuss its impact of English Literature.
- Question- Write an essay on the characteristics of the Renaissance.
- Question- What was the influence of the Renaissance upon the Elizabethan Poetry?
- Question- Write an essay on the influence of the Renaissance upon Elizabethan Drama.
- Question- Write a note on the English Chaucerians and Scottish ChauceriAnswer-
- Question- "Renaissance is the age of discoveries and adventures." Discuss in short."
- Question- Write à short note on Renaissance as the age of peace, stability and contentment.
- Question- "The Renaissance was both a revolt and a revival." Discuss in short.
- Question- "Chaucer is called the Morning Star of the Renaissance." Discuss.
- Question- Write a short note on Humanism in the Renaissance.
- Question- Write a short note on the feelings of Nationalism and Patriotism in the Renaissance.
- Question- Write a short note on humanism in English literature during the Renaissance period.
- Question- Write a note on the Reformation and its impact on literature.
- Question- Describe the chief characteristics of the Reformation.
- Question- Write a note on the prose and drama of the Reformation Period.
- Question- "The Reformation is a Revolt." Discuss in short.
- Question- Whom do you say the product of the Reformation?
- Question- Mention the impact of the Reformation on poetry.
- Question- Mention briefly the contribution of the Reformation in the field of literature.
- Question- "William Tindale is the translator of the scriptures." Discuss.
- Question- What is Cambridge Movement?
- Question- What is the difference between "Renaissance and Reformation?
- Question- What do you understand by the Morality Play? What are its chief characteristics?
- Question- Write an essay on versus Pre-reformation Post-reformation in reference of Morality Plays.
- Question- Write a note on Shakespeare's use of the popular belief of his time in Macbeth, and discuss in what ways they help in the tragic development of the action in the play.
- Question- Write a note on the Miracle Play.
- Question- Distinguish between the classical.comedy and the Shakespearean tragedy.
- Question- What is 'tragic flaw' ? Do you find it in Macbeth's character? Illustrate.
- Question- "In Shakespeare's comedies heroines take the lead." Analyse.
- Question- Mention briefly the theme of the Morality Plays.
- Question- What is the role of the virtues in Morality play?
- Question- Write a note on Justice and Equity as characters in early English Dramas.
- Question- Mention briefly the Miracle Plays as fore-runners of the Shakespearean Drama.
- Question- Mention briefly the influence of Latin comedy on Saints Plays and Morality Plays.
- Question- What is the difference between miracle and morality plays?
- Question- Write a note on the University Wits and their contribution in the field of English Literature.
- Question- "The second period of the Elizabethan drama was dominated by "The University Wits". Discuss.
- Question- Mention the common features of the plays of the University Wits.
- Question- What was the impact of the University Wits on Shakespeare?
- Question- "Marlowe gave life and reality to the characters." Discuss.
- Question- Write a short note on Marlowe and his works.
- Question- Write a short note on Thomas Kyd and John Lyly and their works.
- Question- Write an essay on the Elizabethan Poetry.
- Question- Write a note on the English Satire.
- Question- Write a note on the 'English Ballad'.
- Question- Write a short note on sonneteering during the Elizabethan Age.
- Question- "Edmund Spenser is the second father of English Poetry." Discuss.
- Question- Mention briefly Shakespeare as a sonneteer or as a poet.
- Question- Write a note on the prominent works of Spenser.
- Question- What do you understand by Metaphysical Poetry and how is it originated?
- Question- Evaluate John Donne as the leader and founder of the 'Metaphysical School of Poetry'.
- Question- Discuss the main characteristics of Metaphysical poetry.
- Question- Write a short note on the obscurity in Metaphysical Poetry.
- Question- Write a short note on mysticism in Metaphysical Poetry.
- Question- Write a short note on the Metaphysical Poetry as 'show of learning' or 'intellectual poetry'.
- Question- Write a note on George Herbert as the Metaphysical Poet.
- Question- "Abraham Cowley was the greatest English poet of his time." Discuss
- Question- Mention briefly the poets who wrote amatory verse.
- Question- Write a short note on the use of conceits and far-fetched images in Metaphysical Poetry.
- Question- Mention briefly the Hyperbolic Expressions in Metaphysical Poetry.
- Question- Discuss briefly the obscurity in the Metaphysical poetry.
- Question- Write a note on Neo-classicism.
- Question- Write an essay on the origin and growth of the Neo-classicism.
- Question- "Neo-classicism is a mis-leading idea." Discuss.-
- Question- Write a note on Dryden and Pope as the chief precursors of Neo-classicism.
- Question- Write an essay on the origin and growth of the neo-classicism in English Literature.
- Question- What is Classic?
- Question- Write a short note on the Classical art, Neo-classical art and Romantic art.
- Question- Write a short note on the intellectual in Classical Poetry.
- Question- Write a note on the chief precursors of Neo-classicism.
- Question- "The classical poetry is almost entirely unromantic." Discuss in short.
- Question- "Classical poetry is a 'town poetry'." Discuss in short.
- Question- What is an Ode?
- Question- Write a note on the artificiality of the classical poets.
- Question- Write a note on the pioneers of the Classical School of Poetry.
- Question- Write an essay on the growth of the Novel.
- Question- What are the chief characteristics of the Novel?
- Question- Write a note on contribution of Dr. Samuel Johnson to the eighteenth century literature.
- Question- Define novel and discuss the difference between a novel and romance in short.
- Question- Discuss briefly the novel as an epic of democracy.
- Question- Write some names of prose writers of the Eighteenth Century.
- Question- Introduce Charles Dickens as a novelist ?
- Question- Who was the founder of the eighteenth century journal "The Spectator'? What was chiefly the theme of his essays?
- Question- How did the increase in women readers contribute to the popularity of the novel in the eighteenth century?
- Question- How is the popularity of the novel in the age of Johnson related to the rise in power of the middle class?
- Question- What were the causes of the growth of the novel in the 18th century?
- Question- What is Romanticism? Discuss its main characteristics.
- Question- "Wordsworth may rightly be called the pioneer of the Romantic Movement of the early nineteenth century.' Discuss.
- Question- Write a note on Shelley's poetry.
- Question- Comment on Gray and Collins as Precursors of Romanticism?
- Question- Which poets may be called the precursors of the Romantic Movement?
- Question- When did Romantic Movement began?
- Question- Why is Romantic Movement referred to as Romantic Revival?
- Question- Critically examine the contribution of Dr. Samuel Johnson to the eighteenth century literature.
- Question- What is Lord Byron's contribution to the Romantic Revival?
- Question- Why is Romantic Movement also known as Romantic Revolt?
- Question- Mention briefly the element of love of nature found in Romantic Poetry.
- Question- What were the qualities of the Romanticism of the Elizabethan Age?
- Question- What was the impact of the French Revolution on Romanticism?
- Question- Mention briefly the expression of the individualism in Romantic Poetry.
- Question- Which movement of English literature was influenced by the French Revolution?
- Question- Write an essay on the use of the Poetic Imagery by the Romantic Poets.
- Question- Write a note on prose, novel, drama and miscellaneous writings of the Romantic Age.
- Question- What do you understand by Romantic Revival? Discuss with examples from the poetry of the period.
- Question- What was Wordsworth's contribution to the Romantic Literature?
- Question- Write an essay on the novelists of the Romantic age.
- Question- Write a note on Edmund Burke's secret of greatness as a prose-writer.
- Question- Mention the role of imagination and emotion in the Romantic Literature.
- Question- "The Romantic poets obeyed an inner call to explore more fully the world of the spirit." Discuss.
- Question- What is Lord B is Lord Byron's contribution to the Romantic Literature?
- Question- Write a short note on Wordsworth as a poet of man.
- Question- Which form of poetry was most favoured by Keats? Mention some of his poems in this form.
- Question- Who was inspired by Rousseau's call "Return to Nature"?
- Question- Write a note on the sonnets written in the age of the Romantic Revival.
- Question- Discuss the 'Interest in the Past' which is to be seen in Romantic Poetry.
- Question- Write a note on the growth of Victorian Literature.
- Question- "Alfred Lord Tennyson was the true representative of the Victorian Age." Discuss.
- Question- Compare and Contrast Tennyson and Browning as poet?
- Question- What is lyrical about Tennyson?
- Question- Mention briefly the difference between the Victorian and the Modern Age.
- Question- Mention briefly the impact of the Middle Ages on the Victorian poets.
- Question- Write a short note on the kinds of novels produced during the Victorian Period and the prominent novelists of the period.
- Question- Mention briefly the chief novels of Charles Dickens.
- Question- Who are the minor and the main poets of the Victorian Period?
- Question- Mention briefly the chief features of Victorian Poetry.
- Question- Write a note on the impact of Science and Religion.
- Question- Write an essay on the Pre-Raphaelite Movement.
- Question- Write an essay on the hief characteristics of the Pre-Raphaelite Poetry.
- Question- Mention briefly the chief characteristics of literature in Pre- Raphaelitism.
- Question- Give some features of the Pre-Raphaelite Movement.
- Question- "Rossetti was the leader of the Pre-Raphaelite Movement." Discuss in short.
- Question- "William Morris was a writer, artist and reformer." Discuss in short.
- Question- Mention briefly Swinburne as one of the Pre-Raphaelites.
- Question- Who were Pre-Raphaelites ?
- Question- "The revolt of the nineties looks confused, but not so 'naughty'." Discuss.
- Question- Write a note on the literary tendencies of the Naughty Nineties.
- Question- Write a note on the pessimistic poets of the Nineties.
- Question- Write a note on the novelists of the Nineties.
- Question- Write a note on the drama of the Nineties.
- Question- What do you understand by "The Decadents'?
- Question- Write an essay on the Twentieth Century Poetry.
- Question- What do you understand by Georgian Poetry ? Mention the characteristics of imagism and symbolism of Georgian Poetry.
- Question- Write an essay on the Twentieth Century Novel.
- Question- Write an essay on the Psychological Novel.
- Question- Write an essay on the 'Stream of Consciousness novel'.
- Question- “The modern novel is a story without an ending.” Discuss.
- Question- Write a note on the possibilities and the limitations of the Psychological Novel.
- Question- What impression of James Joyce as a Psychological Novelist do you have?
- Question- Write a note on the 'Stream of Consciousness' technique in Fiction.
- Question- Write a note on the decay of the Plot.
- Question- Write an essay on the Twentieth Century Drama.
- Question- Write an essay on the chief characteristics of the twentieth century drama.
- Question- Write an analytical essay on melodrama.
- Question- Write an essay on the poetry between the World-Wars?
- Question- Write a note on the contribution of Galsworthy to Modern Drama.
- Question- Why are the problem plays known as the drama of ideas or propaganda plays?
- Question- Mention the chief qualities of the Modern Poetic Drama.
- Question- Mention briefly T.S. Eliot's contribution to the Modern Poetic Drama.
- Question- Write a short note on the problem play and its chief qualities.
- Question- What are the main characteristics of the Modern Age ?
- Question- Mention briefly the impact of the two World Wars on the Modern Literature.
- Question- Mention briefly the influence of radio and cinema on the literature of the Modern Age.
- Question- What is expressionist drama in Modern Sense ?
- Question- What is the Drama of Ideas and what are its chief features ?
- Question- Mention briefly the characters of the Drama of Ideas.
- Question- Evaluate A.W. Pinero as the playwright of Drama of Ideas.
- Question- Write some names of prose writers of the eighteenth century.
- Question- Write a note on themes and motives of the dramatists of the Drama of Ideas.
- Question- Mention in short the main characteristics of the "Drama of Ideas".
- Question- Write a note on Epic Theatre.
- Question- Write a note on the technique of 'Alienation Effect'.
- Question- What is the goal of Epic Theatre ?
- Question- What is the important requirement of acting in Epic Theatre?
- Question- Mention briefly the Dialectical Theatre.
- Question- Write a note on Feminism.
- Question- Write a short note on the three phases of the feminist theory.
- Question- What is Post-colonial theory?